US Rejects EU Claim of Insecticide As Prime Reason For Bee Colony Collapse

Government study points to a combination of factors for decline in population, breaking away from singling out pesticides


A government report blamed a combination of factors for the disappearance of America’s honeybees on Thursday and did not join Europe in singling out pesticides as a prime suspect.

The report, by the Department of Agriculture […]

Bad News For British Beekeepers

European and American reports say nerve agents may be a danger, but the UK goes on using them…

Nerve-agent pesticides [will] not be banned in Britain despite four separate scientific studies strongly linking them to sharp declines in bees around the world, Government scientists have advised.

An internal review of recent research on neonicotinoids – […]

90 Percent of Corn Seeds Are Coated With Bayer’s Bee-Decimating Pesticide

I recently spoke at the annual conference of Croplife America, the main trade group for the US agrichemical industry. Croplife members include Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and Syngenta, all massive multinational companies I write about regularly and witheringly. I was astonished that Croplife wanted to hear what I have to say—what I think of the group’s […]

Scientists Discover Possible CCD Agent

by Mike Swain, Daily Mirror 4/01/2012

Honey bees are abandoning their hives and being turned into “zombies” by a deadly fly parasite in their stomachs. The parasite makes the bees flee their hives and then walk round and round in circles before dying. It also makes them seek out bright lights.

Dead Honeybees
