Books About Beekeeping

Beekeeper’s Handbook, The
Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Avitabile have revised and expanded their clear and comprehensive guide to cover changes in beekeeping. This book makes a great first addition to your bee keeping library.–20/

Beekeeping For Dummies
Written by Howland Blackiston this is Google Books online version of his no nonsense discussion of how to get started and successfully manage a bee hive.

Hive and the Honey Bee, The
This is the hardbound edition of the popular and extensive edition that covers beekeeping from A to Z–20/

Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-Bee
This is the Project Gutenburg edition of Langstroth’s famous “A Bee Keepers Manual” which can be downloaded and stored on your computer.

Natural Beekeeping
Ross Conrad’s book on organic approaches to modern apiculture

Selections from the E.F. Phillips Beekeeping Collection at Mann Library
The Everett F. Phillips’ Beekeeping Collection at Cornell’s Albert R. Mann Library is one of the largest and most complete apiculture libraries in the world. This Cornell resource is fully searchable.

Beekeeping For All – This rendition of the original French work L’Apiculture Pour Tous by Abbé Warré of the 1920’s is translated by Patricia and David Heaf.

Abbé Warré created this hive design and in this writing describes its philosophy, use and methods for successfully raising honeybees. The warre design was originally known as the “People’s Hive” when introduced because it was easy to build with common tools and materials, thus making beekeeping accessible to those without money and machines.

This edition is a great find and free to download.