Articles About Bees

“”Nicotine Bees” Population Restored With Neonicotinoids Ban
Following France and Germany, last year the Italian Agriculture Ministry suspended the use of a class of pesticides, nicotine-based neonicotinoids…

Bee Calamity Clarified
An illness that has been decimating US honeybees for more than three years probably
isn’t caused by a single virus, but by multiple viruses that wear down the bees’
ability to produce proteins that can guard them against infection, according to
a new study.

Bees Face ‘Unprecedented’ Pesticide Exposures At Home and Afield
Sometimes dozens of pesticides turn up in a single sample of wax or pollen

Forage With Their Guts

Researchers show that a gene helps honeybees choose between nectar and pollen

Bees In Trouble After Bad Winter
The mysterious 4-year-old crisis of disappearing honeybees is deepening. A quick federal survey indicates a heavy bee die-off this winter, while a new study shows honeybees’ pollen and hives laden with pesticides.

Cell Phone Towers Pose a Threat to Honeybees, A New Study Shows
A new study conducted in India shows that electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile
phone towers and cellphones can pose a threat to honey bees…

David Element’s Wildlife Web Page
Pictures of the Most Common Bees and Pollinators

Famous Beekeepers From History
A list, compiled by Apitrak, of famous persons from history who kept bees.

Four Simple Steps to Healthier Bees
Common sense choices to keep your bees alive.

Honey Bee Colony Losses In U.S. Almost 30 Percent From All Causes From September 2008 To April 2009
Honey bee colony losses nationwide were approximately 29 percent from all causes
from September 2008 to April 2009, according to a survey conducted by the Apiary
Inspectors of America (AIA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture…

Honey Bees Secret World of Heat Revealed
Honey bees precisely control the temperature inside their hives to determine which job their young will perform in the colony when mature, new research has revealed.

Honey laundering: The sour side of nature’s golden sweetener
As crime sagas go, a scheme rigged by a sophisticated cartel of global traders has all the right blockbuster elements: clandestine movements of illegal substances through a network of co-operatives in Asia, a German conglomerate, jet-setting executives, doctored laboratory reports, high-profile takedowns and fearful turncoats…

How To Capture and Mark A Queen
Without the queen the hive will perish, and perish fast! New beekeepers fail to realize how crucial it is to have a healthy queen, and how fast a hive will die when the queen perishes. Sure, the colony will try to raise another queen, but to do that several factors have to work perfectly. Needless to say, we do not
live in a perfect world and the colony does not always get the job done in time…

Last flight of the honeybee?
A bee-less world wouldn’t just mean the end of honey – Einstein said that if the honeybee became extinct, then so would mankind…

Man Dies After Beehive Encounter in Miami
61-year-old Jorge Luis Acosta died recently after he disturbed a beehive and was attacked by a killer swarm, according to Miami-Dade Police…

New Clues in the Mass Death of Bees
In late 2006, something strange began to happen to America’s honeybees. Colonies that were once thriving suddenly went still, almost overnight. The worker bees that make hives run simply disappeared, their bodies never to be found.,8599,1918282,00.html?iid=tsmodule

North Carolina Bees Produce Blue Honey
Interesting article about blue honey

RTÉ Special Series – The Humble Bee
RTÉ.ie, in association with the Simon Cumbers Media Challenge Fund, presents a special series focused on how keeping bees is helping some people in Kenya and Uganda to have greater access to income and food.

Researcher Makes Honey From Coal
On an early-autumn morning, Ms. Horn sets out to visit one of the bee yards on a section of a mine operated by International Coal Group, a 30-minute ride from Hazard.

Rooftop Farming Booming in New York
Urban farming is a growth industry in New York city’s concrete jungle, and with little open land, agriculturalists and beekeepers have taken to the rooftops to pursue their passion.

Scientific American’s Buzz on Bees Website
A collection of research and other papers on the honey bee and its care.

Scientists Untangle Multiple Causes of Bee Colony Disorder
A microscopic pathogen and pesticides embedded in old honeycombs are two major contributors to the bee disease known as colony collapse disorder, which has wiped out thousands of beehives throughout the United States and Europe over the past three years, new research at Washington State University has confirmed.

Solving the Mystery of the Vanishing Bees
The mysterious ailment called colony collapse disorder has wiped out large numbers of the bees that pollinate a third of our crops. The causes turn out to be surprisingly complex, but solutions are emerging.

Honey can kill superbugs

Honey has been used to treat wounds since ancient times, but recent years have seen a surge of medical interest in the sticky stuff.

The Great Honeybee Conspiracy. Is EPA Complicit in Colony Collapse Disorder?
The humble honey bee is getting its fair share of buzz this year — which doesn’t bode particularly well for the species, or American agriculture as a whole. The most recent revelations involve leaked government documents, regulatory malfeasance, and scientific censorship. To mix an insect metaphor, it’s quite a tangled web… (NOTE: Document referenced is available in the Files section)>

The Honey Bee Crisis: Colony Collapse Disorder
A round table of experts answer all our pressing questions about the sudden death of the nation’s bees. What they have to say has a bigger sting than we ever expected.

Urban Beekeepers Keep Cities Abuzz with Pollinators
An interesting article on the art and skill of rooftop beekeeping.

Why We Should Care About Dying Bees
By exploring the mysterious phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) that is wiping out honey bees worldwide, Jacobsen lays out a case for why we need to care…,8599,1843823,00.html

Wiggling and waggling: Study sheds light on amazing bee brain
Their brains are tiny – about the size of sesame seeds – and yet the behaviour of the humble honey bee is so advanced it has scientists scratching their heads in disbelief.

Working Smarter, Not Harder: Apicultural Productivity in the 21st Century
Beekeepers all around the world are always asking how they might increase the honey bee’s productivity, generally measured in honey yield. Giving specific counsel is often hard to do; the bees are already pretty good at this, having millions of years of experience built into their genetic code…”