Diseases & Remedies

The Definitive Small Hive Beetle Guide
Dr. Michael Hood, Extension Apiculturist at Clemson University has released a detailed Extension bulletin on Small Hive Beetle Integrated Pest Management.

Bee Research Laboratory
The mission of the Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville is to conduct research on the biology and control of honey bee parasites, diseases, and pests to ensure an adequate supply of bees for pollination and honey production.

Beekeeping Diary: The Wrong Kind of Breeding
Ian Douglas finds new life in his beehive, but isn’t at all sure it’s good news.

Enemies of Bees
A University of Kentucky, Department of Agriculture, short paper on the most common bee disorders and kinds of pests including methods of treatment and eradication.

Formic Acid Use Handbook and Manual Of Treatments
An 84 page instructional manual on how and when to use formic acid in the hive.

High Levels of Miticides and Agrochemicals in North American Apiaries: Implications for Honey Bee Health
Recent declines in honey bees for crop pollination threaten fruit, nut, vegetable and seed production in the United States. A broad survey of pesticide residues was conducted on samples from migratory and other beekeepers across 23 states, one Canadian province and several agricultural cropping systems during the 2007–08 growing seasons.

Honey Bee Disorders: Small Hive Beetle
Adults and larvae of the small hive beetle are found in active bee hives and stored bee equipment where they feed on honey and pollen.

How to Use A Pierco Drone Frame
A brief description on how and why to use a Pierco drone frame in the brood nest as a means of treating/controlling varroa mites.

Medivet Disease Treatment and Prevention Products
Use of Medivet products, in conjunction with good beekeeping practices, will result in healthy bees and superior colony productivity. Click on the links for more information on products or diseases.

Mite Control in Honeybees With Essential Oils
Essential oils have been shown to provide effective mite control in honeybee colonies. This site will provide the latest essential oil research results, treatments, and lists of world literature.

Pesticides and Genetically Modified Crop Threats to the Honeybee
A collection of PDF documents discussing a wide range of topics related to honeybee disease and disorders.

Pollination: Table of Insecticides and Miticides
Table of common insecticides and miticides and their relative risk to honey bees.

Powdered Sugar Sampling to Monitor Varroa Mite Populations In Honey
A Powerpoint presentation on how to use powdered sugar to determine the degree of mite infestation.

Precautions Against the Spread of Brood Diseases
The USDA website hosting government information on disease and pest control.

Questions and Answers: Colony Collapse Disorder
Beginning in October 2006, some beekeepers began reporting losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. While colony losses are not unexpected during winter weather, the magnitude of loss suffered by some beekeepers was highly unusual…

UK warned as plague of bee-eating hornets spreads north in France
For five years they have wreaked havoc in the fields of south-western France, scaring locals with their venomous stings and ravaging the bee population to feed their rapacious appetites. Now, according to French beekeepers, Asian predatory hornets have been sighted…

Viral Diseases
Viruses are pieces of genetic material that parasitize a host cell, making the cell produce more viruses.

Wax Moths and How to Control Hive Infestation
The wax moth is a mixed blessing for beekeepers. The moths recycle combs of colonies that die in the wild as well as the beeswax combs of the beekeeper. They are also raised for use as fish bait, animal feed, scientific research and they are a good representative insect to use in Biology and Entomology classes. Beekeepers see the wax moth as a pest.